Tuesday, December 9, 2014

oh my goodnessi'm the worst!

So i seriously abandoned this blog for such a long time and for anyone actually reading this I'm sorry. I got sucked into tumblr really bad so I haven't been posting on my other accounts nearly as much .

my tumblr lives here: http://newxbegining.tumblr.com/
So if you'd like to check that out be my guest!!

 I'm going to try and get back into blogging here and on my fashion blog at least once a week.

Bear with me.

Peace, Love, and Whatever...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/11762861/?claim=tdvn3gba8jj">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/8352999/?claim=9y9ghxgpfau">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Monday, October 24, 2011

SO I've got this friend...

We'll just call him B for now. The problem with B is that he can't seem to figure out when enough is enough. He always pushes just beyond the limit where oking turns into upsetting. I usually let it slide but today I'm just so done. I don't deserve to be teased because I made a choice about my life. Just because I'm not doing something doesn't mean you have the right to poke fun at me for not doing it. I hate when people think that they can change my mind about something if they're harsh enough about it. I don't care what you call me I'm not doing something i'm not ready to do. I honestly don't care that he's one of my best friends he doesn't have the right to tell me how to live my life. Sometimes I just want people to f*** off about certain things ya know?

Whatever. He's just being a d-bag. I'm late for class.

Love, Peace and whatever...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So today

i have been sitting in this little cubicle thingy blogging on my other blog! haha blog blog blog i just like sayin it! anyway i'm lame and dont really post much on here anymore! but i will start again soon! because all my adoring fans deserve to read about my subpar existence! XD .............
k bye

Peace, Love, and.......whatever,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


somehow i'm still in college folks. just scraping by really. i'm so tired lately i can't seem to stay awake long enough to learn anything. C says there is something wrong with me. apparently sleeping this much is frowned upon. i don't know maybe it's because im sick. sickness apparently does things to you. i wish i could just magically get better. my life would be so perfect if i didn't feel so horrible all the time.... well its nap time. aka psych class. Ash out!...... that was lame.

Peace, love and....whatever,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bored in college...

I have decided that I'm bored with college! I'm going to go out and travel the world!

Yeah anyway now that i got that out of my system, I'm blogging because I have nothing to do between classes other than sleep. which will not come to me right now... fail.

But the good thing about having a blog is you can post whatever on it and nobody cares! It's not like anyone reads this thing! but maybe i'll start posting some of my creative writing stuff on here... that should be fun! Well i'm out of things to say to the world at large.

Peace love and... whatever,